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Writer's picture: Daniel C. Devine III, M. DivDaniel C. Devine III, M. Div

Jesus is able to set you free from anything you may be dealing with. It has to do with identity. This is what we discussed in "ICM Step 1," (free download) - indeed, this is the basis of Identity Crisis's a way of applying the Gospel of Jesus to our everyday lives.

Where do you get your identity from? Do you feel you won't "arrive" until you get that position, that job?

It's also about what we try to make ourselves feel better with. The reason people use pornography, drugs, alcohol, sex, etc. is because they don't feel good, and they want to feel better. "Sex, drugs and rock'n'roll," all came about due to a sense of apathy and dissatisfaction with the status quo among the youth of the 1960's. The style of music, kind of drugs, etc. may change, but the idea is the same- looking outside oneself to find something to make one happy.

Then, there are those that, at all costs, will avoid these things, knowing they are evil, but still are unhappy inside. They do all the right things, all the time and wonder, "why am I not happy- I'm doing all the right things?"

It's the classic story of the Prodigal Son from Luke 15- most people are either the son who goes to find happiness wherever he can get it, or the faithful servant who has anger issues because no matter how good he tries to behave, he's still unhappy.

Which are you?

The problem is, neither are happy, neither are free. The only free one in that story is the Father figure. This is a type of God the Father- but also of Jesus, Who said He came to show us Who the Father is. (John 14) "He came to destroy the works of the devil," (1 John 3:8) by showing what the Father is really like, in His own personality.

What does the Father do? He frees us from "sex, drugs and rock'n'roll" because it doesn't make us happy anyways. See, all of those things are of this world. We are not of this world- each human being is actually body and spirit. Spirit comes from God, who "is a spirit." (John 4:24) Our spiritual part is from Heaven- earthly part from earth- both are created by God.

People who try to find happiness, which is a spiritual thing (beyond this earthly world), in physical things, will always come up dissatisfied.

The reason you're drinking/smoking/watching pornography/taking drugs/lusting for anything in the flesh is because you don't feel peace inside. You know that those exterior things don't give the peace you're looking for. Some people just want a new house/new car/new this, new that and "then, I'll be happy." But, when they buy it, after a while, they get depressed. God says, "thou shalt not covet" not because He doesn't want us to be happy- but because He knows those things don't make us happy anyways!

Look at all the celebrities that commit suicide, OD on drugs, etc. Look at the addiction process itself:

"I don't feel good inside." "I need something to make myself feel better." (Instead of turning to God, turning to earthly things) It makes me feel better for a short time, and then I "need" more later.

"There's no high like the Most High." See, Jesus doesn't let you down. His love is from beyond this world- and it actually changes you from the inside out. (2 Cor. 5:17; Rev. 21:5) "He does all things well" (Mark 7:37), so you can trust Him. My wife's scriptural mandate is Matthew 11:28-30-

"Come to me, all you that labour, and are burdened, and I will refresh you. Take up my yoke upon you, and learn of me, because I am meek, and humble of heart: and you shall find rest to your souls. For my yoke is sweet and my burden light."

That's what it is all about- coming to Jesus and saying, "I've tried everything else and it doesn't work. Come into my heart, save me and make me clean." It's being honest that you need something beyond this world that only He can give: "the peace I give is a peace the world cannot give." (John 14:27)

If you're looking outside yourself for something to make you happy, you won't find it in the things of this world as they only provide passing pleasure. Peace can only be found in Jesus. He gives you all you need. Come to Him and speak with Him...He will meet you where you are right now.

Download "ICM Step 1" and "Faith," free audios, for a deeper look on the freedom process.

Hallelujah! Come, Lord Jesus and reveal our true identity.



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Website + Identity Crisis Management

©2020 by Daniel C. Devine III, M. Div
To God be the glory

Et sanguis Jesu Christi est in hoc situ, usque in sempiternum

Non servi sint satanae, licet hic in nomine Iesu Christi

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